Rules updated at the AGM and reviewed annually.
All players should be at the arena 15 minutes before game time and must be ready to go on the ice surface 5 minutes before their game.
Players will enter and exit the ice surface in a mannerly fashion. Players are not allowed on the ice during flooding operations. They must wait until the arena attendant is finished and has closed the door.
All players will shake hands after the game in the spirit of good sportsmanship.
Players will not use abusive language. Players will not show unsportsmanlike conduct or rough play in the dressing room or on the ice.
Penalties will be given by the referees. Points will be assessed against a player by the conveners and/or Rotary Hockey executive as deemed necessary. NOTE: In the interest of curbing violence, the Rotary Hockey executive has adopted a points system to hold players responsible for their actions.
All players must wear all of the required equipment at all times. Any player not wearing the required equipment will not be allowed on the ice. This also includes practices.
If a player misses any scheduled Rotary ice time due to an injury that required medical attention, he/she will require a medical release from a medical professional to participate on ice in any Rotary game or practice.
Equipment Required for all player of Rotary Hockey
- CSA Approved hockey helmet with face guard (two straps)
- Hockey shin guard (with straps or tape to hold shin guards in place)
- Hockey garter belt for hockey socks, OR hockey undershorts with velcro.
- Hockey skates (they should fit comfortably and not be too large on the player)
- Hockey stick
- Hockey neck protector
- Hockey elbow pads
- Hockey shoulder pads
- Practice shirt (game shirt is provided by league)
- Hockey socks
- The appropriate athletic support with cup
- Hockey gloves
- Hockey pants with protection