I'm registered - Now what?, News, U16 - (2008s & 2009s), 2023-2024 (Stratford Rotary Hockey League)

This League is part of the 2023-2024 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Organization | Sep 04, 2023 | Jacques Laurin | 5138 views
I'm registered - Now what?
Welcome to the Rotary Hockey Family,

So... you're registered for hockey... but now what?

We have made a couple changes to our processes, so even if you are a regular player, things may be slightly different this season. Please take a moment to read all of the information below. 

Junior Evaluation Skate Sessions - Saturday September 30th

For players in the U8, U10 and U12 divisions (birthyears 2012 thru 2017), there will be a player evaluation skate on Saturday September 30th. U6s (2018s & 2019s) are not evaluated.  While attendance is not mandatory, everyone in these age groups is strongly encouraged to attend and take this opportunity to blow off some rust and show us what they can do. Full equipment is required. Click here for more info: https://stratfordrotaryhockey.com/Pages/1525/Rules_For_Players/

This will give us the opportunity to evaluate each players' skills and abilities which in turn will help us try to make the teams as balanced as possible. Please attend the session according to the chart below:

Evaluation Skate Schedule

Age Division

Last Names



U8 (2016s & 2017s)

A - G

William Allman

1:00 – 1:50 pm

U8 (2016s & 2017s)

H - O

William Allman

2:00 - 2:50pm

U8 (2016s & 2017s)

P - Z

William Allman

3:00 - 3:50pm


U10 (2014s & 2015s)

A - G


2:00 - 2:50pm

U10 (2014s & 2015s)

H - O


3:00 - 3:50pm

U10 (2014s & 2015s))

P - Z


4:00 - 4:50pm


U12 (2012s & 2013s)

A – G

William Allman

4:00 – 4:50pm

U12 (2012s & 2013s)

H - O

William Allman

5:00 - 5:50am

U12 (2012s & 2013s)

P - Z

William Allman

6:00 - 6:50am

The team selection committee will begin the task making up teams following the evaluation skates. Team lists will be distributed to coaches on October 3rd or 5th at the coaches meetings. Following those meetings, coaches will reach out to the players on their team. They are expected to do so as soon as possible following these meetings - but by Monday October 11th at the latest.

U14, U16 and U20 players do not participate in Evaluation Skates. Teams for the U14, U16 and U20 divisions are done via a player draft that will be held on October 5th. Please note that due to this format, special requests are nearly impossible to achieve. Exceptions are made for immediate family members only. 

Start of 2023-2024 Season - Saturday October 14th

The first ice time for most Rotary Hockey teams will be Saturday October 14th (U6 through U14) The U16 and U20 division will start on Wednesday and Thursday October 11th and 12th, respectively. Schedules for all teams will be available on the website in early October.

We are excited to see all those smiling faces back at the rink. If you are on Facebook, please follow us for additional news items and other announcements. All news articles are also shared on our Facebook account.

Volunteers Needed:

U20 Convenor:

As of today, no one has stepped forward to volunteer for the U20 Convenor position. Some of you have been identified as potential convenors and will have already received a separate email from our Registrar. We cannot run a division without a convenor.


Please email Jacques Laurin, the Rotary Hockey President here: [email protected] if you would like to ask questions about what is involved.

Coaches/Assistant Coaches:

If you did not volunteer on the registration form and want to coach or assist, please email the Registrar to get your name on the list of coaches. Please include you child's name so that he can match you up with the registration.  Click here to email the Registrar: [email protected]

Social Media Manager:

We are looking for a parent volunteer who would be willing to take on the role of sharing Rotary Hockey news and announcement on our website and other Social Media. If you are social media savvy and have a bit of time to help out, we would like to hear from you.

Board Members:

Rotary Hockey could not exist if were not for the many volunteers who generously donate their time and expertise to make this great organization succeed. We are always looking for people to help in what ever way that they can. There are a variety of roles and committees that could use your help. If you have any interest in being more involved in Rotary Hockey as a Board member or at a Committee level, please contact our president for more information here: [email protected]

See you at the rink!

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