We have had an overwhelming response to the opening of registration.
All divisions are now full. However, we encourage everyone who would like to
play to continue to register. Registering (with full payment) will place you automatically on the waiting
list. We are going to do our best to find space for
every player who registers this year, but because of reduced team sizes and
reduced ice availability this may not be possible.
Season to Start November 1, 2020
Those on the waiting list will have the option to request a full refund without any deduction, or remain on the list for a spot to open up. We are hopeful that regulations and protocols may change before January 1st when our second session will begin. If additional spots become available they will be pulled from the waiting list.
This will be a dramatically different hockey season due to health restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. For full details of Stratford Rotary Hockey's plan for return to hockey, please visit the following link:
COVID Return to Play
All Registrants are strongly encouraged to read the information in the above link to get a better understanding how the changes for this season will affect our program.
Click the link below to REGISTER NOW!
Online Registration