REGISTRATION CLOSES TODAY!!! - SEPT 1ST, News (Stratford Rotary Hockey League)

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Sep 01, 2023 | Jacques Laurin | 1315 views
If you have already registered – THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

If you have not yet registered  PLEASE DO IT NOW!!!!  

Click here: Register Now

Registration closes on September 1st. Our season starts in October.


We will close registration on September 1st - So you only have a couple days to get your registration in to guarantee your child a spot on one of our teams. We will be finalizing our ice schedules shortly and this will officially limit the number of players we can have in the league.


After September 1st, any forms received will be placed on our waiting list and will only be offered a spot if there is room on a team. Some divisions are nearly full already. LAST YEAR WE HAD TO TURN SOME KIDS AWAY BECAUSE WE RAN OUT OF SPOTS!!!
