Registration for Session 2 is Now Open!, News (Stratford Rotary Hockey League)

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Jan 10, 2021 | Todd Nickel | 1610 views
Registration for Session 2 is Now Open!
Registration for session 2 is now open for everyone – click here 

Rotary Hockey is currently planning for the second session of hockey for the 2021 season (January to March). Although our return to hockey has had to be delayed due to the COVID lockdown currently in place, it is our intent to start Session 2 of our season when the lockdown is lifted. That is currently slated for January 24th.

We will continue to monitor the announcements from the Ministry, the Public Health Unit and the Municipality and will confirm that actual start date as more information becomes available to us.

Prior to the lockdown, we did obtain approval from Hockey Canada and the Health Unit to expand our teams to 10 + a goalie for divisions U10 and up. It is our intent to do so, as long as those approvals are not rescinded. In order for us to prepare for that, we need to get registration for session 2 finalized asap.

If you know anyone who was not registered for hockey but may be interested in playing, please encourage them to register for session 2 on the website. We will have a number of spots available in most divisions. Placement on a team will be done on a first-come first-served basis, so don’t delay.

There have been some questions about the fees and how they will be handled with canceled games/practices.  Once we are able to return to the ice, we will re-evaluate the season and may extend the end of the season for the ice times we missed in January. However, if that is not possible or the season is cut short even further due to COVID, then we will refund players for the unused portion of the fees.

We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we continue to do our best to deliver a hockey program for Stratford.


Stratford Rotary Hockey
