Coach Resources, News (Stratford Rotary Hockey League)

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Oct 19, 2018 | Jacques Laurin | 12765 views
Coach Resources
All team bench staff - Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Trainers - must have:
- Respect in Sport - Coaches Version
- Gender Identity & Diversity Training

Head Coaches must also have their Coaching Certificate

For the Respect in Sport, you will need a Pre-Registration Code to complete the course. Please send an email to our Registrar here: [email protected] specifying if you require the Coach version (actually called "Activity Leader"), or the Parent version. The instructions for completing the course can be found here: SRHL_Parent_RIS 

For the Gender Identity & Diversity Training, the instructions can be found here: Gender_Identity_Diversity_Course_Instructions

If you would like to be a trainer for your team, please complete the sign up form here: Trainers